Taking an icy plunge has long been held by winter swimmers as extremely beneficial for ones health. Many claim the practice helps burn body fat and keeps diabetes at bay.
Researchers from the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) have now discovered that brown adipose tissue, a type of ‘good’ body fat, which burns rather than stores energy could be linked to activation by the cold.
104 studies were reviewed and their findings showed that cold water or air exposure can stimulate adipose tissue to produce the protein adiponectin. This protein can protect the body from insulin resistance, diabetes and other diseases. Confirmation of their findings requires more work.
The researchers suggest that winter swimmers are naturally healthier. However there are risks involved like cold water shock and hypothermia, so precaution must be taken, if you’re thinking of taking the icy plunge for the first time. It is advised that one should start slowly, never swim alone and keep the swims short.
- mika-ruusunen-RmOxrlnEpDU-unsplash 2: Unsplash, Mika Ruusunen