A smart camera has been developed by a Dutch technology company to help tackle widespread poaching in Africa. The artificial-intelligence-powered system helps detect poachers and animals in real time, according to Hack the Planet.
It is physically impossible for national parks to have rangers everywhere over the vast areas, all the time. The system has a slightly modified camera trap which can wirelessly talk to a mini-computer. “This mini-computer downloads the images from the camera and then uses artificial intelligence to automatically classify whether there’s an animal, an elephant, or human on the photo,” says Hack the Planet’s engineer, Thijs Suijten. A satellite modem is then used to send the information through space directly to the phones of rangers in little time.
Rangers currently use camera traps that need to be checked on site for recordings so real-time footage is not possible. They hope the smart camera system will provide anti-poaching units with an early warning system for the protection of wildlife in many of Africa’s national parks in the future.
Photo: (c) pexels.com/Frans van Heerden
- pexels-frans-van-heerden-624063: Photo: (c) pexels.com/Frans van Heerden