A Tiny Forest is a small, dense native woodland, about the size of a tennis court, that provides homes for wildlife and a space for people to connect with nature.
Planted and cared for by local communities, these forests use the Miyawaki method to rapidly develop a multi-layered ecosystem in urban areas, requiring minimal space. Tiny Forests help address environmental challenges such as flooding, climate change, and wildlife loss by capturing carbon, providing shade, and supporting urban wildlife.
They also serve as outdoor classrooms where children can learn about nature through planting, surveys, and community engagement. Tiny Forests foster local connections, with volunteers helping to care for the forests. Earthwatch Europe has been planting Tiny Forests in the UK since 2020 and seeks partnerships to expand them to more communities. So far there are already 294 Tiny Forest sites throughout Europe and Australia.
Photo: (c)IVN Natuureducatie